75/F with altered sensorium
75/F Patient was brought to the casualty in an altered sensorium 3pm yesterday History of present illness:- Patient was apparently normal until 3pm yesterday(19/10/2023). She then became altered since 3pm yesterday and started speaking random words, not answering revelantly and without deviation of mouth with weakness of right upper limb and right lower limb. Associated with involuntary micturition and slurring of speech No C/O loss of consciousness, seizures, headache, involuntary defecation, vomitings, fever, trauma, diplopia. History of past illness:- H/o CVA with right sided hemiparesis 3 years back , recovered now K/C/O Hypertension since 4 years ( not using medication regularly in past few days) N/K/C/O DM,TB,Epilepsy,CAD,Thyroid disorders,Bronchial asthma Personal history:- Diet - Mixed Appetite - Normal Bowel and bladder - regular Sleep - adequate No addictions No H/o food and drug allergies Family history:- Not significant General examination:- Patient Patient is co...